

Iterable Overview

What is Iterable?

Iterable is a growth marketing platform that allows you to send personalized messages at scale across channels.

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Top 10 Iterable Alternatives & competitors

Evaluating alternatives to Iterable?

We advice to view similar tools to make the right choice. While doing this you need to study the similarities and differences in price, general features, certain app capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and client support. Of course, design also can change your mind.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very resembling in cost and functionality to Iterable. The list is based on similarity reviews, so if Iterable doesn’t suit you in any way, here you can easily find the best option for you. Check out real reviews to learn how Iterable compares to other similar platforms and find the best variant for your business.



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Smart Documents. Smart contracts. Document Automation. Document Management. Document Negotiation and Collaboration. Lawyer-friendly software for creating responsive documents that know how you think and edit themselves. 100% Programing-Free Document Automation. 95,000+ users in 36+ countries. Biggest Worldwide client: PwC. Used by law firms, in-house legal and procurement departments, general counsels, financial institutions (banks, insurance, etc), real-estate sector (brokers & developers), HR



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uLanding - конструктор для создания и тестирования лендингов, который позволяет снизить расходы на маркетинг и рекламу за счёт отказа от услуг программистов, верстальщиков и дизайнеров. Весь комплекс работ по разработке, тестированию и изменению посадочных страниц может быть выполнен в рамках этого конструктора силами сотрудников, отвечающих за маркетинг и рекламу.

Capsule CRM

Capsule CRM

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Capsule CRM is an online Customer Relationship CRM that is very simple to use. Capsule CRM is the ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Capsule CRM helps you develop strong customer relationships, make more sales, and get a clear picture of your business so that you can make more informed decisions.

Award Force

Award Force

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Award Force is widely recognised as the world’s best awards management software. Perfect for organisers of awards, contests, employee recognition, art prizes and pitch competitions to manage the entry, judging and awarding of results, online.



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Float is resource management software trusted by 3,000+ of the worlds top teams. Since 2012, Float has been helping brands including BuzzFeed, Ogilvy, M&C Saatchi and Deloitte plan their projects and schedule their teams time. At a glance, see who¿s working on what, when and from where. Float makes remote resource planning visual and simple. Integrate with Slack, Google Calendar, Outlook, Teamwork and Zapier.


Drip is the world's first ECRM (an E-commerce CRM) designed for building personal and profitable relationships with your customers at scale. E-commerce marketers around the world are starting to see their customers in true color with Drip features like comprehensive tracking, hyper-segmentation, and robust email marketing automation. They're graduating from typical email platforms, bloated CRMs, or overhyped marketing automation tools, and making more money with Drip.



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NewZapp Communications has over 20 years of Internal and External Marketing experience. Trusted by Russell Group Universities, Local, District Councils, and Central Government, NHS, and Network Rail. UK based support and servers, GDPR, and ISO 27001 compliance. Create branded responsive email campaigns that look good everywhere. Award-winning email reporting and engagement analytics.



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AWeber is one of the most well-known email marketing solutions around today. It is a solid, easy-to-use, affordable email marketing option for companies of all sizes, even those with limited time and resources for email marketing. You can get this straightforward solution up and running quickly, although it does lack any standout features, especially compared to its competitors.



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DashaMail - сервис для email маркетинга. Обладает базовым функционалом. Симпатичный дизайн. Простой в навигации. Обладает достаточно удобным и простым онлайн редактором писем. Доступно сплит-тестирование, автоматические серии писем, сегментация подписчиков, детальные отчеты.

Try for Free CRM Platform is a highly visual and user-friendly CRM software designed to help businesses to manage everything in one place. A platform is a powerful tool for any business of any size due to its ability to handle sales pipelines, customer on boarding, client’s projects, marketing, and other needs of your company.

This provides you an opportunity to compare all the best alternatives to Iterable and make an informed decision. As the appropriate software combination that meets your organization requirements ensure that your work will reach the maximum result and increase income along with saving time and labor. Choose a suitable program stack and Apiway integrations will allow you to make it all work in conjunction for the benefit of your organization.

All Iterable alternatives

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