

Massdelivery Overview

Сервис email-рассылок MassDelivery - профессиональный инструмент для рассылки писем подписчикам. MassDelivery позволит в кратчайшие сроки запустить первую рассылку, автоматизировать все сопутствующие этому процессы и в режиме нон-стоп получать квалифицированную поддержку.

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Top 10 Massdelivery Alternatives & competitors

Looking for alternatives to Massdelivery?

We advice to look at similar apps to find a solution. While doing this you need to look into the similarities and differences in price, general features, specific software capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and client support. Of course, visual presentation also can influence your mind.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very similar in cost and features to Massdelivery. The list is based on similarity reviews, so if Massdelivery doesn’t suit you in any way, here you can easily select the best solution for you. Check out real reviews to find out how Massdelivery compares to other similar tools and find the best variant for your business.



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JobDiva is the global leader in Talent Acquisition, Talent Management and Applicant Tracking technology, delivered as an AI-powered SaaS solution to the staffing and recruiting industry. A powerful cloud solution, JobDiva combines a CRM, synchronization with all major job boards and VMS providers, BI analytics, a Mobile App and the largest resume database in the world to deliver staffing solutions with unmatched speed and precision.



Try for Free is a multifunctional online designer of web forms, surveys, quizzes and calculators for the site. You don't need to be a programmer to create a form of any complexity.



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WebEngage is an omni-channel marketing automation and customer data platform that helps B2C businesses drive more revenue from their existing customers and anonymous users through highly contextual and personalized user engagement across channels like Email, Mobile and Web Push Notifications, In-app Messages, Text Messages, Web Overlays, Facebook and WhatsApp.



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Float is resource management software trusted by 3,000+ of the worlds top teams. Since 2012, Float has been helping brands including BuzzFeed, Ogilvy, M&C Saatchi and Deloitte plan their projects and schedule their teams time. At a glance, see who¿s working on what, when and from where. Float makes remote resource planning visual and simple. Integrate with Slack, Google Calendar, Outlook, Teamwork and Zapier.



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UniSender is a platform for email and sms campaigns. The platform gives the possibility to build a whole system of marketing through mailings. The number of users UniSender is more than 280 thousand. On a monthly basis using this platform to send 550 million emails.



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LPTracker - это CRM система, обратный звонок, call tracking (аналитика звонков), бесплатный конструктор сайтов, автоворонка, ip телефония, автообзвон клиентов, запись разговоров, е-mail и sms рассылка, захват контактов посетителей вашего сайта без заявки и звонка. Все сервисы для бизнеса в одной системе



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ActiveCampaign is a platform that helps businesses automate customer experiences and build meaningful connections with their customers. Since 2003, ActiveCampaign has created tools that are both powerful and easy to use – because growing businesses don't always have the time to set up new tech. Today, 80,000+ businesses use ActiveCampaign for their email marketing, marketing automation, or CRM.



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Edsby is a modern, cloud-based learning management system and data platform built just for K-12 organizations.



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Омнидеск — SAAS-сервис для организации работы службы поддержки клиентов. Сервис позволяет подключить разные каналы связи и обрабатывать поступающие сообщения в едином интерфейсе. При этом пользователи могут связываться с компанией так, как им удобно — к примеру, через соцсети, любимые мессенджеры или собственный софт вашей компании.

ClickSend SMS

ClickSend SMS

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ClickSend SMS helps businesses communicate with their customers and staff like never before in the moments that matter on the channels, they use every day.

This provides you an opportunity to compare all the best alternatives to Massdelivery and make an informed decision. As the right app combo that meets your organization requirements ensure that your business processes will reach the maximum productivity and increase income along with saving time and labor. Choose a right program stack and Apiway integrations will allow you to make it all work cooperatively for the benefit of your company.

All Massdelivery alternatives

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