


PROFILE.GURU is the ultimate assistant when you want to know your people better. Contacts, organizational and contractual details, benefits and remuneration, development and education, performance management, asset management and many other aspects of your employees' profiles - PROFILE.GURU has it all.


Top 10 PROFILE.GURU Alternatives & competitors

Choosing alternatives to PROFILE.GURU?

We recommend to look at similar apps to make a decision. While doing this you should pay attention the similarities and differences in cost, functionality, specific software capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and client support. Certainly, design also can affect your choice.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very similar in price and functionality to PROFILE.GURU. The list is based on similarity reviews, so if PROFILE.GURU isn’t appropriate for you in any way, here you can easily choose the best solution for you. Check out real reviews to see how PROFILE.GURU compares to other resembling platforms and find the best app for your company.



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Salsa CRM is a cloud-based constituent relationship management platform that helps nonprofits track supporter relationships, manage online and offline fundraising, and intelligently report on everything.



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Fracttal is an innovative maintenance management solution. Fracttal is a comprehensive platform, modern, safe, intuitive, easy to use and 100% cloud-based, designed to give you control over all your company assets, facilitating your work and providing you a pleasant user experience, at any time, from anywhere.



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ActiveCampaign is a platform that helps businesses automate customer experiences and build meaningful connections with their customers. Since 2003, ActiveCampaign has created tools that are both powerful and easy to use – because growing businesses don't always have the time to set up new tech. Today, 80,000+ businesses use ActiveCampaign for their email marketing, marketing automation, or CRM.



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Tooligram - это сервис для привлечения подписчиков в Instagram-аккаунт. Его работа основана на масслайкинге и массфолловинге - методах, которые стояли на заре продвижения Instagram и остаются актуальными до сих пор.



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Notisend - сервис для отправки Email, Push и SMS и Viber рассылок. Имеет удобный интерфейс и простую интеграцию с приложениями. Идеален для тех, кому нужны базовые функции - собирать адреса со страниц и отправлять письма.



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SalesScreen is a global sales platform that combines gamification with data visualization to keep modern sales teams motivated and engaged. Our platform integrates with existing CRM and makes work more collaborative through a range of peer-to-peer recognition and competitions. This in-team incentivization helps our clients drive stronger revenue and better delivery of KPIs.



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ActiveCampaign is a platform that helps businesses automate customer experiences and build meaningful connections with their customers. Since 2003, ActiveCampaign has created tools that are both powerful and easy to use – because growing businesses don't always have the time to set up new tech. Today, 80,000+ businesses use ActiveCampaign for their email marketing, marketing automation, or CRM.



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The Suralink platform combines a dynamic PBC list, assignment workflow, and secure file hosting to deliver a more efficient and organized engagement. For the first time, everyone involved has a real time view of the document collection process.



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User-friendly maintenance and material management system that facilitates maintenance planning and inventory control. Product has many optional modules that support Safety (PSM, MOC and LOTO), Budgeting, Multi-plant information sharing, and Operator Tours and Data Collection. The system is available in many languages and supports vendor currency conversions.



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VBOUT is a marketing automation platform that offers many tools and features to help business owners and marketing professionals centralize and automate their tasks in a simple and smart way. The platform has an easy drag-and-drop landing pages and forms, visual automation builder, social media management and email marketing tools. In-depth native analytics and user tracking are provided, giving marketers full view of their contact's engagement and campaign performance. VBOUT provides agencies and partners with powerful tools to whitelabel the solution, build their own plans with their own mark-up, manage their accounts and shared assets from one account.

This list gives you an opportunity to compare all the best alternatives to PROFILE.GURU and make an informed decision. As the right software combination that meets your business needs ensure that your business processes will reach the maximum result and increase revenue along with saving time and labor. Find a suitable program stack and Apiway integrations will allow you to make it all work in conjunction for the benefit of your company.

All PROFILE.GURU alternatives

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