
LeeLoo Overview

LeeLoo - платформа для комплексной автоматизации пути клиента от первого клика до регулярных платежей. Позволяет автоматизировать ключевые бизнес процессы привлечения клиентов, поддержки, продаж используя чат боты в мессенджерах и искусственный интелект.

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Top 10 LeeLoo Alternatives & competitors

Evaluating alternatives to LeeLoo?

We recommend to view resembling tools to find a solution. While doing this you should study the similarities and differences in cost, general features, specific software capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and user support. Of course, visual presentation also can affect your choice.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very resembling in price and features to LeeLoo. The list is based on user reviews, so if LeeLoo isn’t appropriate for you in any way, here you can easily select the best variant for you. Look at real reviews to find out how LeeLoo compares to other similar tools and find the best solution for your organization.

Reach Mail

Reach Mail

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ReachMail is an industry leader in Email Marketing Services and Transactional Email delivery. Our experience and customer service sets the standard others cannot match. Whether you are just starting or need to send high volume using our Bulk Email Service, we have the solutions for you.



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lptrend - сервис, предлагающий возможность создания и работы с уже созданными собственными лендингами. Создание осуществляется через удобный конструктор, а количество предлагаемых шаблонов насчитывает более 60 штук. Система легко интегрируется со многими популярными сервисами, а также имеет встроенную CRM для быстрой обработки заявок.



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Experrto is an onboarding platform that increases conversion rate of common site visitors to paying clients, reduces the burden on Tech Support and speeds up user's involvement with the help of interactive tips. Works via a Google Chrome extension. Create tooltips, pop-ups and product tours in no code mode, without any help from programmers or developers. Experrto is optimal for any services, SaaS-products and multi-page sites that have a personal account.



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NewZapp Communications has over 20 years of Internal and External Marketing experience. Trusted by Russell Group Universities, Local, District Councils, and Central Government, NHS, and Network Rail. UK based support and servers, GDPR, and ISO 27001 compliance. Create branded responsive email campaigns that look good everywhere. Award-winning email reporting and engagement analytics.



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Automizy is an email marketing service provider that helps you increase your open rate via AI-powered Subject Line Analyzer, Machine Learning powered AB testing and automatic resend for your automated emails and newsletters.



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Autopilot for your subscription business



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Cleversite - сервис, позволяющий создавать и размещать окно онлайн-консультанта на своем сайте. Сервис предоставляет широкую информацию о конкретном пользователе, интегрируется с аналитическими системами, собирает контакты посетителей, следит за действиями клиента и позволяет установить виджет обратного звонка. Cleversite помогает в организации поддержки клиентов на сайте — принимает заявки, обращения. Предлагает и функцию обратного звонка с оплатой за контакты с клиентами.



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SalesapCRM — это облачная CRM-система, которая позволяет вести бизнес эффективнее. С помощью CRM вы сможете автоматизировать рутинные процессы, поможете сотрудникам успевать больше и не забывать о важном, наведёте порядок в финансах и получите доступ к подробной аналитике по всем бизнес-показателям вашей компании.

Process Street

Process Street

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Process Street is a SaaS application for businesses to build and track their processes using superpowered checklists.



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ActiveCampaign is a platform that helps businesses automate customer experiences and build meaningful connections with their customers. Since 2003, ActiveCampaign has created tools that are both powerful and easy to use – because growing businesses don't always have the time to set up new tech. Today, 80,000+ businesses use ActiveCampaign for their email marketing, marketing automation, or CRM.

This list gives you an opportunity to compare all the best alternatives to LeeLoo and make an informed decision. As the appropriate tool combo that meets your organization requirements ensure that your workflow will reach the maximum result and increase income along with saving time and labor. Find a right program stack and Apiway integrations will help you to make it all work in conjunction for the benefit of your business.

All LeeLoo alternatives

Marketing Automation Software

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LeeLoo integrations

Apiway allows you to integrate LeeLoo with thousands of the most popular tools. You can automate your workflow and have more time for main things—no code required.

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New order

New sale

New subscriber


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