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LionDesk is a cloud-based customer relationship management solution (CRM) designed for real estate professionals. Key features include contact management, lead distribution, video email and texting, task management and property management.
Considering alternatives to LionDesk?
We recommend to view similar apps to find a solution. While doing this you should study the similarities and differences in cost, general features, specific software capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and customer support. Of course, visual presentation also can influence your mind.
We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very similar in price and features to LionDesk. The list is based on user reviews, so if LionDesk doesn’t suit you in any way, here you can easily select the best option for you. Check out real reviews to find out how LionDesk compares to other resembling software and find the best variant for your business.
We help shops and manufacturers of all kinds and sizes work smarter for improved efficiencies, greater flexibility and bigger profits.
UGRU is the #1 CRM Cloud Based Financial Practice Management Suite. It is a full featured, cloud based integrated financial CRM with sales force automation including contact management, sales forecasting, and pipeline management.
Realvolve is a Real Estate contact relationship manager (CRM) that helps agents manage contacts, listings, escrows, tasks, files, and important dates. Realvolve keeps real estate agents and brokers organized, effective, and mobile.
OnePageCRM is an easy to use sales CRM used by sales people and business owners worldwide. Ideal for small to medium sized businesses. Inspired by Getting Things Done (GTD) Productivity principles, you're encouraged to add Next Actions to ensure you always follow up with your prospects.
Designated as India's Most Promising CRM, edge CRM is a customer relationship management platform conceived, instigated, and perfected by salespeople for the salespeople. edge CRM is a completely customizable CRM suitable for all business sizes pertaining to every industry profile.
Less Annoying CRM is a simple customer relationship manager designed specifically for small business. Store all of your contacts and their histories, track sales leads, customize the CRM to fit your unique workflow, and manage your events/reminders.
Maximizer CRM is a customer relationship management software suitable for businesses of all sizes, which includes sales management tools, a customer service system and marketing automation features.
Close focuses on taking your sales to another level, with its smart email conversation history tracking keep your team updated. Get a robust view of your leads, communication, pipelines and measure the performance of your sales team.
Redtail CRM - web-based Client Relationship Management software, integrates widely and deeply with other popular tools in the financial services industry.
Nutshell is a sneaky powerful cloud-based CRM and sales automation tool for small businesses. The Nutshell platform offers sales process and collaboration tools, email sync with Gmail and Outlook, fully customizable reporting, and a flexible UI that can fit nearly any sales model.
We are expertise to create AWS and GCP Architecture for your application with guaranteed solutions and best price. BizHive has created Highly Customizable FREE CRM for you to control the most complex customer relationship and making sales very easy. Yes, it is FREE for you. We are a small verified European startup with highly experienced team members around the world.
This provides you an ability to compare all the best alternatives to LionDesk and make an informed decision. As the appropriate tool combination that meets your organization needs ensure that your workflow will reach the maximum productivity and increase income along with saving time and labor. Choose a right program stack and Apiway integrations will allow you to make it all work in conjunction for the benefit of your company.
All LionDesk alternativesApiway allows you to integrate LionDesk with thousands of the most popular tools. You can automate your workflow and have more time for main things—no code required.
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