

Listen360 Overview

What is Listen360?

Listen360 serves multi-location brands across the world. Our customer engagement platform is the key to listening to and learning from your customers. Through metrics and insights, we help you leverage direct customer feedback to make your products and services more meaningful to the customers you serve.

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Top 10 Listen360 Alternatives & competitors

Evaluating alternatives to Listen360?

We recommend to view resembling apps to make the right choice. While doing this you need to pay attention the similarities and differences in cost, general features, certain app capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and client support. Certainly, visual presentation also can change your choice.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very resembling in cost and functionality to Listen360. The list is based on popularity reviews, so if Listen360 isn’t appropriate for you in any way, here you can easily find the best solution for you. Check out real reviews to learn how Listen360 compares to other similar software and find the best variant for your company.

TimeDigital CRM

TimeDigital CRM

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TimeDigital CRM - это сервис для автоматизации маркетинга, триггерных email рассылок, автоворонок и ведения сделок в CRM. Основная идея сервиса - персонализированные сообщения, основанные на действиях посетителей на сайте. Благодаря инструментам lead scoring и site/event tracking можно персонализировать письма и создавать динамический контент. Для отдела продаж есть модуль CRM, в котором менеджер может вести сделки и ставить задачи.



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Gurucan — это современная платформа для создания онлайн-школы на мобильных платформах и веб-платформе. Подойдет для фитнес тренеров, инфобизнесменов, блогеров, маркетологов. Через панель администратора можно управлять приложением и вебом, принимать платежи со всего мира.



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Calendly is the modern scheduling platform that makes “finding time” a breeze. When connecting is easy, your teams can get more done.

Capsule CRM

Capsule CRM

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Capsule CRM is an online Customer Relationship CRM that is very simple to use. Capsule CRM is the ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Capsule CRM helps you develop strong customer relationships, make more sales, and get a clear picture of your business so that you can make more informed decisions.



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SalesapCRM — это облачная CRM-система, которая позволяет вести бизнес эффективнее. С помощью CRM вы сможете автоматизировать рутинные процессы, поможете сотрудникам успевать больше и не забывать о важном, наведёте порядок в финансах и получите доступ к подробной аналитике по всем бизнес-показателям вашей компании.



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TalentLMS is the LMS built for training success.



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Notisend - сервис для отправки Email, Push и SMS и Viber рассылок. Имеет удобный интерфейс и простую интеграцию с приложениями. Идеален для тех, кому нужны базовые функции - собирать адреса со страниц и отправлять письма.



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Poster is a tablet Point of Sale (POS) for cafes and shops. The POS application can be launched on a laptop, Android tablet, or iPad, which significantly reduces the initial cost. Poster offers a great number of useful features for the cost twice affordable than competitors: financial and stock control, discounts, bonuses and promotions settings; built-in customizable reports; fast food mode or floor section map and supply storage notifies. Set it up in 15 minutes and start saving time and money.



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Bynder is the fastest way to professionally manage digital files. Teams get on the same page for real-time collaborative edits and approvals, easy file sharing and storage, auto-formatting for channels and file types - it provides one central hub for all company materials and messaging. With company creative at your fingertips, your next big idea is a click away.



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Raklet is an all-in-one non-profit management software that allows you to engage with volunteers and donors in a meaningful, digital way.

This provides you an opportunity to compare all the best alternatives to Listen360 and make an informed decision. As the appropriate software combination that meets your company needs ensure that your work will reach the maximum effectiveness and increase profit along with saving time and labor. Find a appropriate program stack and Apiway integrations will allow you to make it all work cooperatively for the benefit of your organization.

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