

Monitask Overview

What is Monitask?

Monitask delivers HR solutions to boost productivity, efficiency, and accountability across your team. Employee monitoring with as time tracking capabilities, keep teams focused on the task at hand. Our software is powerful, yet lightweight, making it simple and easy to use. Managers can also access their dashboard on any of their devices to keep track of their team anytime, anywhere. Sign Up for Monitask and start saving time and money, today.

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Top 10 Monitask Alternatives & competitors

Looking for alternatives to Monitask?

We recommend to view resembling tools to find a solution. While doing this you need to study the similarities and differences in price, functionality, particular tool capabilities, as well as the number of integrations and client support. Of course, visual presentation also can influence your mind.

We’ve made a list of top competitors that are very similar in cost and functionality to Monitask. The list is based on user reviews, so if Monitask doesn’t suit you in any way, here you can easily choose the best solution for you. Pay attention to real reviews to see how Monitask compares to other resembling software and find the best variant for your company.



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Smartlook is a qualitative analytics solution for websites and mobile apps helping over 300,000 businesses of all sizes and industries answer the "whys" behind their users' actions. Eliminate the guesswork and discover real, actionable reasons.



Try for Free — это сервис, который позволяет бесплатно интегрировать другие облачные сервисы между собой без программиста, в два клика. Сервис позволяет обычному маркетологу без знания программирования сделать интеграцию нескольких софтов в два клика при помощи drag and drop редактора. Например, гугл формы интегрировать с сервисом рассылок и гугл таблицами.



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Сервис email-рассылок MassDelivery - профессиональный инструмент для рассылки писем подписчикам. MassDelivery позволит в кратчайшие сроки запустить первую рассылку, автоматизировать все сопутствующие этому процессы и в режиме нон-стоп получать квалифицированную поддержку.

Try for Free - конструктор сайтов и лендингов. Конструктор позволяет быстро сверстать Landing Page по сетке Bootstrap 4 из готовых блоков и выгрузить ZIP архив с готовым результатом. Имеет более 50 готовых шаблонов для быстрого создания лендинга.


Drip is the world's first ECRM (an E-commerce CRM) designed for building personal and profitable relationships with your customers at scale. E-commerce marketers around the world are starting to see their customers in true color with Drip features like comprehensive tracking, hyper-segmentation, and robust email marketing automation. They're graduating from typical email platforms, bloated CRMs, or overhyped marketing automation tools, and making more money with Drip.



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LPTracker - это CRM система, обратный звонок, call tracking (аналитика звонков), бесплатный конструктор сайтов, автоворонка, ip телефония, автообзвон клиентов, запись разговоров, е-mail и sms рассылка, захват контактов посетителей вашего сайта без заявки и звонка. Все сервисы для бизнеса в одной системе

E2 Shop System

E2 Shop System

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We help shops and manufacturers of all kinds and sizes work smarter for improved efficiencies, greater flexibility and bigger profits.



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TalentCards helps businesses mass-train their people with easily-digestible material.



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tomHRM is a user-friendly and fully configurable HR platform that gives you freedom in terms of the modules that you want to use. This means that you can pick and pay only for the modules you need and configure the platform according to your requirements.



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"Антитренинги" - это одновременно простая и мощная платформа для онлайн-обучения. Сервисом пользуются для сокращения времени обучения, усиления вовлеченности учеников, чтобы увеличивать доход от онлайн обучения.

This provides you an opportunity to compare all the best alternatives to Monitask and make an informed decision. As the appropriate app combination that meets your business requirements ensure that your workflow will reach the maximum productivity and increase profit along with saving time and labor. Choose a suitable program stack and Apiway integrations will help you to make it all work in conjunction for the benefit of your business.

All Monitask alternatives

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